Friday, 27 January 2012

Feedback on evaluation Task Three

Two excellent video interviews/ entries.  Please get the rest posted.  I also want to see you address the set question for the evaluation task and be able to use the audience feedback, with links to how success your campaign was.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Evaulation Task 3

Other audience feedback links:
Do you like the video, if so what do you like about it?
Do you feel that you relate to the band, if so how/why?
Would you watch this video, if so where and when?
Do they represent you in any way?
What would you get out of watching it?
What do this band stand for?
Is there a message, if so what?
What attitudes do they represent?
What do you think could be improved in any of the products?
Do you think they all seen like they are from the same band or are there some differences in the image?

What have I learnt from my audience feedback?
  • I gathered my audience feedback from my fellow class students using a combination of questions videoed on my mobile and uploaded to Youtube.
  • The advantages of using these resources were that it's a quick and effective method of documenting the publics feedback of our product.
  • The disadvantages were that the picture and sound quality wasn't ideal and I wasn't able to edit out the unrelated information. The strengths that the feedback indicated in my music video were that it appealed to my target audience of the niche indie/MOD stereotype.
  • The weaknesses that feedback in my music video where that the green screeen effects were not very realsitic.
  • The Encoding-Decoding Model means that the 'encoding' is the production made by the institutions and the 'decoding' is what the audience gets out of it.
  • The way that the audience feedback in my video illustrated the model in action showed the audience got different meanings out of the narrative.
  • The readings that were produced by the audience were that the narrative was very strong and had several meanings:
A. That it was a damsel in distress.
B. A similar set up to Stormbreaker.

Saturday, 14 January 2012


Love the use of Beeclip as a presentation tool.  I feel that you communicate your ideas well, but also that the presentation is slightly incomplete and can be developed further.  You need to add more detailed comments on the conventions used and how these relate to real media.  I also feel that a few slides which evaluate the set question will benefit your answer, for example, what have you developed or challenged.  In particular develop points on intertextaual references that you have used.